
Welcome to Smart Folks Blog 

Here you will find Insightful videos, articles & posts regarding Motivation, Health, Food, Travel,  Education, Tips & Tricks, Reviews.

Mission statement : To create a valuable brand by facilitating useful & productive videos & articles to our audience which will help them in their life to achieve their goals.

Vision Statement : To be a leading digital platform where people can interact with and share knowledge/life experiences and there by grow together.

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Founder: Tejas Vaidya

Tejas Vaidya

An enthusiastic commerce graduate who aspire about entrepreneurship & always think of giving back to society. He founded smart folks in order to make people believe that being smart is just a choice. There is a very thin line between being smart and oversmart. one should understand it and just be a smart person. Why I am talking about smart so many times ?? Because in today's world its need of the hour to be street smart person. Tejas have gone through many ups & downs where he learned that mind needs constant motivation. Sometimes we have motivation but we feel aloof  & then mind starts playing game of self doubt. In such a process a person needs to share things with a person. Smart folks is a platform where you can share your life Challenges & expect best practical views/solutions from us.
So we make content on 
Productivity tips & tricks
We also do reviews of products & services which are genuinely good.
Research & educational articles
Also sometimes we post on food 

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