10 Ways to motivate yourself in time of any crisis

Hello readers lets find out 10 Ways to motivate yourself in time of any crisis.

We often feel demotivated & dreadful when we are hit by any sort of crisis, whether be it
financial, personal, health, social, national to that matter any sort of crisis.

Our mind feels unpleasant where we blame sometimes others or sometimes to our self or even for that matter the situation.
We want some one to come and fix the issues for us. But the issue can be solved by a little introspect and following motivational techniques.

Tip: "Motivation is not the cause of any action but action is the cause of motivation"- TV

#10 Ways to motivate yourself in time of any crises

  1. Start from the end in mind & follow a top down approach and start implementing in order to elevate from down to top.
  2. Think of the possible solution and just stop constantly thinking the issue. Crises are fearful but finding best possible fix is our duty.
  3. Learn from mistakes. If you fail no problem, you will guide others.
  4. Remember strength is life & weakness is death as said by - Swami Vivekananda
  5. Do yoga & exercise to make your body fit. If body is fit - mind will be fit & if mind is fit you can easily solve the crises.
  6. Don't wait for motivation take actions you will feel more motivated to do it again and again. #Yes I am stating this in an Motivational Blog Post - this is the difference here, in our blogs - its the #unconventional #motivational #blog :)
  7. If one door is closed the other door will open.
  8. Believe in your self this is what needed much more than anything.
  9. Learn new skills to solve those crises.
  10. Many people will be there who will frighten you about the crises, but don't listen to naysayers.
Thanks a lot for reading this article. since its a time of crises due to pandemic all around the world - thought of writing this blog post.

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